Rum and Popcorn

That Nice Feeling of Unchallenging Mainstream Entertainment

One Day Later...

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

The Oscars results are quite astonishingly, gloriously, exquisitely DULL!

Best Picture - T** K***’s S*****
Best Director - T** K***’s S*****
Best Actor - T** K***’s S*****
Best Original Screenplay - T** K***’s S*****
Best Title - T** K***’s S*****
Best Coffee On Set - T** K***’s S*****
Best Taste in Shoes -T** K***’s S*****
Best Idea - T** K***’s S*****
Best friend - T** K***’s S*****
Best best - T** K***’s S*****
Best ever - T** K***’s S*****
Best cute Brits - T** K***’s S*****