Rum and Popcorn

Quest for the Lost City

Quest for the Lost City aka The Final Sactrifice

The version I watched said ‘Quest for the Lost City’ on the titles, but this was the best cover art for it.

OK, OK, let’s get the good bits out of the way first, that shouldn’t take long. The cinematography here is pretty good: for a decidedly low budget flick, they never try to do anything beyond their means and it’s preet well shot.

It’s just a shame that the screenplay, plot, acting, etc. just wasn’t anywhere near as good. At the time of writing, this film was the 14th worst rated on IMDb, which should give you some idea what we’re dealing with. In truth, this is nowhere near as bad as that makes it sound; this film was given the MST3K treatment and as such got far more exposure than it otherwise would’ve done. Were it not for this, it’d surely merely be wallowing amongst the ‘rubbish’ rather than the ‘shockingly awful’.