Rum and Popcorn

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Women In Horror

….yeah. Despite what that banner says, we’re 3/4 of the way through Women in Horror recognition month and I’ve done nothing. Whoops :(

In lieu of me doing anything worthwhile about it, check out:

Official site:

Facebook page (updated regularly!)

The brilliant Day of the Woman blog

The ever-wonderful Lightning Bug’s Lair

And the fabulous Horror Digest

And there’s a whole tonne of other treats and goodies out there for you to find if you look around a bit!

Women In Horror Recognition Month

So, whether you knew it or not, February is Women in Horror Recognition Month. Yes if you’re in America it clashes with Black History month, but if you’re in/from the UK, you’ll know that Black History month is in October, right?

Anyway, Chopping Mall’s participation is going to be somewhat laid back, but shall definitely be participating. We’ll have posts about the fantastic Emily Booth coming soon, as well as a couple of reviews of Female-directed Horror films (a disturbingly rare occurrence).