Ok then! Here come a few more review from the Leeds International Film Festival. I’m currently seeing more films than I can write about, so a review of Fanomonen’s Night of the Dead will have to wait a day or so. For now, here are three documentaries from Monday and Tuesday…
El Sicario
This is certainly not a cheerful one! El Sicario can be summed up pretty quickly as one man in one room talking about the horrible things he has done. In a bit more depth, it is an ex-hitman in a hotel room in Ciudad Juarez, explaining over the course of 80 minutes what his life has contained. With his face masked throughout the film and no props other than a pad of drawing paper and a squeaky black marker, the hitman proceeds to explain the procedures of induction to the Mexican drug cartels and the jobs he had to carry out.
Well, I don’t think there’s any point denying that the 2nd half of 2010 was pretty disastrous in terms of keeping this blog updated… Five posts in as many months? And one of those was a post saying that I hadn’t been posting enough, a post where I promised all sorts of exciting film reviews that I then never wrote.
Part of the problem, it would appear, is that I watched too many films. Early in the year I set myself the goal of watching 365 different films in the year and, though I did manage that, the goal did rather take over a lot of my free time - time that I would and could (and should?) have spent writing about films here.